Tuesday, September 15, 2009

a different kind of holiday at Mt Elizabeth

My baobei believes otherwise.He thinks I am having a holiday here. No, I am not on top of a mountain somewhere in Indonesia or Malaysia or the Philippines. I am in a hospital that is called Mt Elizabeth. I googled Mt Elizabeth Hospital's history but nothing concrete came out. And of course, I have the hostpital brochure inside my luggage and my leg is still in pain (a.k.a lazy) to even get out of the bed and look for it. Though am not sure even their brochure will say anything about its history. Maybe I should ask Jeeves. What say you my baobei?

But I would hazard a guess that the name came about because this is located in an area that is now the very prime commercial area of Singapore, which used to be an orchard, hence the name Orchard Road. This hospital is on top of Orchard Road, and everytime I come here and walk, I always feel like I am climbing a mountain. Maybe hence the name.

Anyway, back to this stay here being a holiday. It is not and this will never be my idea of a holiday. But maybe my body more than my mind which is in need of this kind of holiday. Considering that I only get out of the bed to go to the toilet, get something from my bag or re-arrange my stuff, my body is indeed having its own holiday, away from the hustle and bustle of sitting down for more than 8 hours at the office or walking from one meeting area to another.

My doctor just visited me now. She showed me how my L5 has come out more and is rubbing my nerve, hence the excruciating pain I have felt last week on my left leg. But after two days of physio, she also noted that the strength is coming back to my left foot, except for the toes. Three more days of stay here and I hope will be enough to reduce substantially the numbness in my left leg and the strength to come back to my big toe.

Unfortunately, I don't have a digicam now so cannot show any photo of me in my 'hospital gown,' which I fought so hard to get from the nurses. That is another interesting story altogether. One I hope I will not have to do the third time around.


At 12:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Thanks very much for your interesting blog. It's always nice to see how people on the other side of the globe live, how they share the same joys and sorrows, what they do in their free time, etc.

I actually have a question about your blog. Would you mind helping us with a linguistic research project when you're feeling better again? We're compiling data from various Singaporean weblogs. All it requires is checking a few boxes. If you want to take part and/or have more questions, I'll send you the 'official' project eMail. We'd really appreciate your help.

Thanks very much in advance!
Best regards,
- Fran

PS: Get well soon!!


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