Friday, September 05, 2003

Travel Bugger

2003 is almost over. September signals that Christmas is just around the corner. Another year will be over soon and yet I still have so many cities and countries that I want to visit. My plan of going off to nearby Malaysia and bask in its natural warmth and cool beaches has never materialized except for Malacca and the short lived two KL business trips I took. SARS and terror possibilities have been successful in killing the travel bug inside my body. Who would want to be infected with SARS or be in a hijacked airplane? But I think more than these two external events (which really not up to me to influence or control), it is the limited leave of absences I have as well as the fact that I do not have a good travel buddy now that are making me endure ABS bug more. Given the fact that I only have 10 days more of leave for this year, I will only be able to fit in at least 3 short trips until end of December: Manila, Phuket and India and a weekend trip to KL.

Looking back, I think not bad score for a wandering soul like me having gone to 2 new countries in two different continents sprinkled with short trips in places nearby.