Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Kam Sam Road, Bangkok taken last 5 July 2004 Posted by Hello

5 nights in bangkok
oh no!  i wrote and posted and then voila, nothing came could this have happened? 
anyhow, how to recreate?
maybe it was not meant to be posted....maybe i may have chosen to say some things that are not meant to be published...first time this has the same way that first time i had a horrible cab ride in bangkok....of course, i had been forewarned...good thing there were 3 of us inside the cab so in the end we just stepped out and took another cab...
no energy now to say anything about bangkok....except to say that i am now a bit familiar with some parts of it, but still remains a stranger to most parts of this city of angels (at least i think that is how they want to be called)....
i don't think i will be coming back soon, unless there is another conference